The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, Vol 20, No 1(31) (2020)

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Mihaela Diaconu, Amelia Dutu


Nowadays many companies around the world are facing the new generation of employees, identified as Z, with different expectations and aspirations that in some points are very different than those of the generation before, that is called Y. Taking into consideration the fact that attracting and retaining the talents within the company is becoming a high priority, representing the core component in developing and delivering the high value for the customers, a better employee generation profile understanding is of utmost importance in developing the most appropriate HR strategies. Thus, the purpose of this study is to create a profile pattern regarding the labor market entry and behavior for the two generations: Y vs. Z. In this respect a survey was conducted on 112 students from Arges County and the measurements was conducted in five directions: career expectations; selecting an employer, company and industry sector; career priorities; personal life towards professional life, what my generation is doing. The results of the study reveal the fact that there are many differences between the two generations with very well outlined profile patterns. The study is addressing to the HR practitioners but also to the scholars, proposing a new approaching way for profiling employees

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                     Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava                   Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business


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