The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, Vol 21, No 1(33) (2021)

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Ionut Balan


In this paper I want to present the results obtained by using an algorithm in calculating locations for regional hospitals that could be built in Romania. The idea of regional hospitals in Romania have been discussed for some time in the local press, the final locations being established, by those responsible, in the first 8 cities, taken according to the number of inhabitants, as well as a city in the center of the country. In this approach we use a genetic algorithm, a method inspired by natural evolution, which will give us a series of alternative results to the solution proposed by officials. As in the official version, in the used method, to obtain the results we will take into account the population, but not only within the most populated localities, but within a larger number of localities from the country. The population of these localities, weighted with the distance between them and the possible solutions will contribute to the calculation of the final solution.

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                     Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava                   Faculty of Economics, Administration and Business


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